Michelle Williams-搜索结果

  • 利蓝的美国 The United States of Leland

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:马修·瑞恩·霍格   编剧:马修·瑞恩·霍格

    主演:Don Cheadle, Ryan Gosling, Jena Malone, Kevin Spacey, Michelle Williams, Lena Olin, Chris Klein

      16岁的少年利蓝•费兹格莱德(Ryan Gosling 饰)自闭、敏感,在某个午后,一个同龄人倒在了他的脚下。始终保持沉默的利蓝被指控犯有杀人罪送往感化院,两个家庭从此陷入悲伤和痛苦之中。
      在感化院内,作家兼教师皮尔•麦迪逊(Don Cheadle 饰)为了写书,开始有意识地接近这个沉默寡言的男孩,经过一段时间交往,利蓝慢慢打开紧锁的心门,将自己的内心世界展示给他所信赖的好朋友……

  • 恋爱时代 第三季 Dawson's Creek Season 3


    导演:Gregory Prange   编剧:Tammy Ader, Kevin Williamson

    主演:James Van Der Beek, Katie Holmes, Michelle Williams

      After spending the summer with his mother in Philadelphia, Dawson returns to Capeside and meets a beautiful, outgoing, young woman, named Eve Whitman, on the bus from Philadelphia. Eve soon brings trouble to Dawson's ho-hum life when he accidentally wrecks his father's boat during an outing with her and tries to come up with $3,000 to repair it before Mitch finds out. So, Eve h...

  • 没有你的我 Me Without You


    导演:桑德拉·戈尔德拜彻   编剧:劳伦斯·柯雷特, 桑德拉·戈尔德拜彻

    主演:Anna Friel, Michelle Williams, Kyle MacLachlan

      故事发生在1973年,荷莉(艾拉·琼斯 Ella Jones 饰)和玛丽娜(安娜·帕波维尔 Anna Popplewell 饰)成为了邻居,两个天真无邪的女孩很快就成为了彼此生命中最重要的存在,她们到哪儿都黏在一起,几乎形影不离。随着时间的推移,两个姑娘渐渐长大,均成为了亭亭玉立的美人。
      玛丽娜天性奔放开朗,在她的引导和带领之下,荷莉品尝到了爱情的甜蜜滋味,而第一个同她发生关系的,竟然是玛丽娜的哥哥奈特(Cameron Powrie 饰)。玛丽娜身边的男伴一换再换,她尚且没有安定下来的打算。很快,荷莉就发现,自己中意的男孩们,都成为了玛丽娜裙下的俘虏。悲伤,愤怒,孤独,荷莉心中五味杂陈,她和玛丽娜之间的友情因此而出现了裂痕。

  • 勃朗特 Brontë


    导演:Angela Workman   编剧:Angela Workman

    主演:Michelle Williams, Jonathan Rhys Meyers

      On the wet and wuthering moors of 19th century Yorkshire, the Bronte sisters emerge from the haven of their hidden fantasy worlds, from beneath the wing of their eccentric, domineering father and their beloved brother's drug-addled demise, to become history's most famous authors.

  • 恋爱时代 第五季 Dawson's Creek Season 5


    导演:Gregory Prange   编剧:Kevin Williamson, Tom Kapinos

    主演:James Van Der Beek, Katie Holmes, Michelle Williams

      Joey begins her first day at Worthington University where she is struggling in her beginners writing class taught by Professor David Wilder who criticizes her first essay about her and Dawson. Audrey Liddell, Joey's brash new roommate from Beverly Hills, proves to be more of an annoyance than a friend with her wild and crazy personality. Dawson, who's continuing his studies at ...

  • Super Bowl XLVII Halftime Show


    导演:哈密什·汉密尔顿   编剧:

    主演:碧昂丝, 凯莉·罗兰, Michelle Williams

  • 恋爱时代 第四季 Dawson's Creek Season 4


    导演:Gregory Prange   编剧:Chris Levinson, Kevin Williamson

    主演:James Van Der Beek, Katie Holmes, Michelle Williams

  • 蒙面歌王(美版) 第二季 The Masked Singer Season 2

    类型:音乐片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:凯莉·奥斯本, 克拉拉·普雷斯提斯, Dymone Priestley, 尼可·斯彻金格, 安得烈·史高丽, 罗宾·西克, 约翰尼·威尔, Michelle Williams, Paul Black,
